Etikett: work

  • STYLEBY – 1 year!

    TODAY IS A BIG day for me since STYLEBY, my own magazine, celebrates 1 year! Since it’s such a hard business to actually make a fashion magazine work, I’m so happy for what we done so far, and so looking forward to another year with STYLEBY. As you might notice I’m not on the cover any more (!) That is something that actually have been planned from the beginning. One year with me, and then we are more then happy to see new faces on the cover, even if I will be back from time to time.

  • just perfect

    HAD SUCH A great day yesterday. Almost perfect. Or, actually it was perfect.  Started with a couple of hours at the spa, massage, work out, steam-room

  • Behind with STYLEBY

    WHAT A DAY! I’m so happy with the shoot! This is the last shoot I did for 2011. Have a little bit more than one week here in NYC, and during those days I’m gonna work as LITTLE AS POSSIBLE! Thank you team for today! xoxo