Etikett: mildon

  • Let’s Dance – Annapolis County Spectator

    By Heather Killen The Spectator[1] (Editor’s Note: Dancing in the Third Act played to sold-out seats Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at King’s Theatre in Annapolis Roayl.) Maybe it’s fitting that a dance company conceived in Annapolis Royal would be born out of time. While ‘The Company of Angels’ started rehearsing Dancing in The Third Act in June, it’s been 800 years in the making, according to its director and choreographer. Randy Glynn said he first had the idea to create this work after producing the flash mob last year in the Annapolis Royal market. “I began to wonder if I could build a strong work of art with untrained people, my friends,” he said. “I also wanted to create a process, or dance class that would be nonthreatening and unchallenging