Etikett: masks

  • Rewriting Shakespeare: Dance Collective lets audience take part in telling – Fort Wayne Journal Gazette

    As I walk into the Embassy’s lobby for Fort Wayne Dance Collective’s production of “Star Crossed,” I am handed a white mask.From my research, I know the show is going to be a modern-day adaptation of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” that uses a “choose your own adventure” concept – a risqué form of theater that popped up in New York and toned down for a Fort Wayne demographic. The audience travels from room to room, dropping in on certain scenes. The masks help open up the audiences to interacting with the performers. A majority of the audience who first walk into the reception decide to wear the white mask as a headpiece as they glance over the array of finger foods and lack of seating. Two teenage girls dressed in light, flouncy dresses far too thin to fight off the evening’s chill seem to have forgotten their lopsided masks as they take turns pinching off one sticky bun

  • Beauty-battle: fuktmasker

    Efter en torr vinter med mycket feta cremer är det dags att fuktboosta huden. Jag fick en gång ett råd av en hudvårdsterapeut att köra fuktmask varje natt under en vecka som en speciell fuktkur. Och det funkar riktigt bra. Här är tre fuktmasker som står hemma hos mig: 1.