Etikett: issue
Holiday Magazine
The styling, the woman, the attitude and the pieces – we want it all. Clare Richardson has styled this beautiful editorial with tons of attitude for the iconic travel magazine Holiday – which is being re-launched tomorrow on April 5th.
Under the coconut tree
Kavaj från // shorts från Rebecca Stella for Solo // tischa från Acne // min alldeles för stora klocka (har inte hunnit minska den) från Marc by Marc Jacobs // väska köpt i Hongkong // bälte från Issue 1.3 // brillor från RayBan // ringar från Guldfynd by Kenza // skor från Zara
Issue 1.3
Jag såg hos Victoria att Nelly lanserat ett nytt märke som heter Issue 1.3 och jag var självklart tvungen att gå in och kika vad det var för något. En hel del snygga och stilrena plagg! Jag hade ett presentkort tillgodo där så nu använde jag det. Klickade bland annat hem plaggen ni ser nedan. En kappa (jag är egentligen ingen kapp-tjej (parantes i parantes nu men Andreas säger alltid så.
TUESDAY-CRAVINGS, this bracelet by Eddie Borgo, yammie! Today I’m finalizing my part of next issue of STYLEBY. Right now we trying to decide what cover to go for. Always very exciting…
From the archive
DURING THESE DAYS, right before we ship STYLEBY, it’s pretty hard to keep up with my other projects. We always try work so we don’t need to stress out right before deadline, but it dosent matter. We are always one step behind for some reason. “Let’s move this story to next issue”, “should we change this?” Anyhow.
THE OFFICE IN LA wasn’t bad at all. I could live with this for another week.. Got back to NYC this morning and I’m actually very happy to be here. I need to just stay in the same city for a while, and try to get my mind together. It’s been pretty hectic with Hong Kong, fashion week and LA shoot at the same time as we have been closing the next issue of STYLEBY and a deadline for a project I’ve been working for a while.
Art work
JUST GOT THIS picture in my inbox. Jonna (editor in chief of our magazine STYLEBY) with her son Glenn. This is what I call art. 19 days left to the next issue…
Where the magic happens
THIS WEEK IM in Stockholm, working at the STYLEBY-office! So excited for the next issue that will be out in the end of this month! Yihaaa!
sneak a peek
TWO GREAT THINGS coming up this week: -Tomorrow it’s finally time for the Nowhere shoes to launch! You’ll find them here . -On Wednesday I will give you the latest cover and some tear sheets from the latest issue (!) AND on Friday we have a amazing deal for you, if you want to be a subscriber. I’m telling you… Here is one page from the latest issue, one of my favorite, of course. Only covered with amazing french supercool women’s.