Etikett: buy

  • Favorite

    I OFTEN GET the question “what is your favorite-piece” or “what is your best buy ever”. I never know what to answere so I just make up something. I got this question again today and now I just realized the answer.

  • Nexus 5 vs Galaxy Note 3 vs iPhone 6: Let’s Dance! – Tekrieg

    If we had to choose three future devices that people are making a fuss over, then it would the iPhone 6, the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and the Google Nexus 5. All three of the handset are said to be coming out later on this year and they could launch around the same time, which would mean there would be an epic battle. So we decided to take a look at the iPhone 6, the Nexus 5 and the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 release to see how this could have an effect on sales. There has been various time-frames rumoured for the handsets.

  • Vad vore livet utan provokationer?

    På elektronikvaruhuset Best Buy i New York känns personalen igen på blå polotröjor och beigea khakibyxor. En dag för något år sedan kommer det in en person i butiken, klädd likadant. Och sedan en till. De köper inget, plockar inte bland varorna utan bara glider omkring bland hyllorna. Till slut är det 80 personer klädda som personalen, som låtsas som att de är där av en tillfällighet.